
What is a civil infraction traffic citation?

Under Florida statutes, a civil infraction traffic ticket is a non-criminal violation that can usually be disposed of by payment of the civil penalty (fine) or election to attend traffic school. These violations are typically broken down into three categories: moving, non-moving or pedestrian. A moving violation normally assesses points against the driver’s license while non-moving violations do not. Examples of Moving Violations are careless driving; fail to yield at a stop sign, etc. Examples of Non-Moving Violations are no seat belt, improper parking, etc.; and pedestrian violations include jaywalking.

When must my traffic citation be paid?

Payment of a traffic citation must be received in the Clerk’s Office within thirty (30) calendar days of the citation issue date. Remember that if you are mailing your payment, it must be received in the Clerk’s office by the 30th day. Payments received after the 30th day will be considered delinquent and will be subjected to a late fee and/or a suspension of your driver’s license.

Where can I pay my citation?

If your traffic citation was issued in Flagler County you have many options for paying: by mail, in person, over the phone or online.

How do I pay my citation online?

You can now pay all court costs, fines, and fees, as well as elect to attend a driver improvement course online at Please note that a convenience fee is added to online payments pursuant to Florida Statute 501.0117.

How do I pay my citation over the phone?

You can now pay all court costs, fines, and fees, as well as elect to attend a driver improvement course over the phone by calling (855) 895-8060. Please note that a convenience fee is added to phone payments pursuant to Florida Statute 501.0117.

How do I pay my citation at a participating retail location? 

You are able to pay all court costs, fines, and fees, as well as elect to attend a driver improvement course online at Select the “cash payment” option, obtain a PayCode and take the PayCode to the retail store you selected. Please note that a convenience fee is added to retail cash payments pursuant to Florida Statute 501.0117.

Download our Retail Cash Payment FAQ for more information about how easy and safe it is to pay with cash at participating retail locations.

Important Instructions for online and phone payments:

The user MAY elect to attend driver’s improvement school by using this service.

The user CANNOT use this service for the following citations or requirements:

  • A mandatory court appearance
  • Proof of vehicle registration required
  • Proof of insurance required
  • Proof of driver’s license required
  • Faulty equipment

While citations are usually available for payment within 2 business days, it may take anywhere from 3 to 14 business days from the date of your citation was issued until it is available to pay.

How do I pay my citation by mail?

Send a personal check, money order, or cashier’s check to the Clerk of Court attention Central Cashiering mailing to:

Clerk of Courts
Attn: Central Receipting
The Kim C. Hammond Justice Center
1769 East Moody Blvd, Building 1
Bunnell, FL 32110

Mail early to avoid late fees and possible suspension of your driver license.

How do I pay my citation in person?

Between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday at the Central Receipting Window on the first floor of the Kim C. Hammond Justice Center (personal checks, cashier’s checks, money orders, cash or credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express accepted).

Please note that a convenience fee is added to credit card payments pursuant to Florida Statute 501.0117.


If my citation was issued outside Flagler County, may I pay the fine in Flagler County?

No. The Clerk in Flagler County can accept payment for traffic citations issued only in Flagler County. If your citation was issued outside of Flagler County, contact the Clerk in the county of issue. All citations issued in Flagler County must be paid in Flagler County. To find a list of websites for Florida Clerks of Courts, refer to our Links page.

What action can I take if I receive notice of a traffic ticket and I believe it is not mine?

If you have reason to believe that you are not the person that has been cited for a citation you may do the following: If the ticket is a civil infraction you may request a court hearing. You should also file an Affidavit of Identity form with the Clerk’s Office at the time you request the hearing. If it has been more than 30 days since the ticket was issued, you must submit a motion to set aside driver license suspension and an Affidavit of Identity. If a case is a criminal traffic ticket you will be notified of a hearing date. At the hearing, you should inform the court that you are not the person cited for the citation. In either case, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a Deputy Clerk, in person, at any Clerk’s Office location.

What options are available when I pay my citation?

If you have received a traffic citation in Flagler County, you have thirty (30) calendar days from the date the ticket was issued to choose one of the following three (3) options to resolve the ticket.

Option 1: Pay The Citation
Payment for a Traffic Infraction citation is due within 30 calendar days of the citation issue date. Your case will be satisfied upon payment. The charge will be entered on your driving record as a conviction. Points will be assessed as applicable. Please note: if you select this option you will not be allowed to elect the school option later or ask for a court date.

Option 2: Plead Not Guilty
If you choose Option 2, to plead not guilty, you may go to Central Cashiering at The Kim C. Hammond Justice Center, 1769 East Moody Blvd., Bldg. #1, Bunnell, FL, and make your request for a hearing in writing to the Clerk within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the ticket was received. You will be notified in writing of your court date. Or you can fill out and send to the Clerk’s Office a Court Election Form requesting a court date. You will be notified of your court date. No court dates will be set by telephone. If you are unable to appear in person for your court date you Must file an Affidavit of Defense in lieu of your personal appearance. 

Option 3: Elect to Attend Driver Improvement School
If you choose Option 3, to attend driver improvement school, you must pay the fine and fill out an affidavit to elect school and file it with the Clerk’s Office within thirty (30) calendar days of the date you received the ticket. You will be granted an extra sixty (60) days to attend a Driver Improvement School in the State of Florida and no points will be assessed against your driver’s license. Failure to attend Driver Improvement School will result in the report for suspension of your license and the assessment of late fees. You must present or mail a Certificate of Completion to the Clerk’s Office within the 60-day period.

Who may elect to attend driver improvement school?

A person charged with a moving traffic violation may be eligible to attend driver improvement school. A person charged with a violation involving driver licenses, vehicle registration, proof of insurance, accidents or leaving a child under the age of 6 unattended in a vehicle is not eligible. Persons holding a CDL license are not eligible to attend driver improvement school.

What are the benefits of attending driver improvement school?

There are two benefits. One, no points will be assessed against your driver’s license. Two, attending driver improvement school to satisfy the violation will be entered on your driver history record as an “adjudication withheld.”

How much does it cost to attend school?

School costs vary, depending on the school you attend. You must pay the civil penalty for the offense, plus the costs for the driver improvement school.

How to do I begin the enrollment process?

You may visit the Flagler County Clerk’s Office to make your election, or your election may be made by mailing in the form Elect Traffic School. You may also make an online or phone payment and elect school via these methods. Send your citation, personal check (if drawn on a Florida institution), cashier’s check or money order to Clerk of the Courts, The Kim C. Hammond Justice Center, 1769 East Moody Blvd, Building 1, Bunnell, FL 32110. Your payment must be accompanied with a signed and notarized affidavit and received by Central Cashiering within thirty (30) calendar days of the date you received the ticket.

You must enroll, attend and complete an approved school course within 60 calendar days from the date you signed the affidavit. You will be required to pay for the course at the time you enroll with the school.

How do I pick a school?

The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle’s (DHSMV) maintains a listing of the approved driver improvement schools on their website, You may also check the Yellow Pages in your local telephone book.

What steps do I take after I complete the driver improvement school?

You must present proof of completion of the driver improvement school to the Flagler County Clerk’s Office within 60 calendar days of the date you elected the option.

What happens if I do not attend the driver improvement school I elected?

If you elect to attend school, you must complete the course and submit your completion certificate to the Flagler County Clerk’s Office within 60 calendar days of your election. If you fail to turn in your school certificate within this time period additional late fees will be assessed, your license may be suspended and points will be assessed against your driver’s license.

How many times may I elect to attend a driver improvement school?

You may make an election to attend school to satisfy an eligible traffic violation one time in a 12-month period, but no more than eight (8) times in a lifetime. If you elect to attend, but fail to satisfy the requirements, the election will still count toward the 5 allowed.

How many points can be assessed against my driver’s license?

Upon payment of a civil infraction or an adjudication of guilt by the court on either an infraction or a criminal case, the following points will be assessed to your license:

Non-Moving Violation – 0 points
Moving Violation (non-speeding, no accident) – 3 points

Moving Violation (non-speeding, resulting in an accident) – 4 points
Speeding less than 15 miles over the speed limit – 3 points

Speeding 15 miles or more over the speed limit – 4 points
Speeding resulting in an accident – 6 points

Passing a stopped school bus – 4 points
Reckless Driving – 4 points

Leaving the scene of an accident with damage – 6 points

Why has my case been sent to a collection agency?

A case could be in a collection agency status for the following reason: A case has been delinquent for failing to pay fine and/or costs for more than 60 days.

What are the procedures for receiving a reduced fine with “proof?”

For a violation of improper or faulty equipment, if the person committing the violation corrects the defect and obtains proof of such timely repair by an affidavit of compliance executed by the law enforcement agency within 30 days from the date upon which the traffic citation was issued, and pays $4 to the law enforcement agency, thereby completing the affidavit of compliance, then upon presentation of said affidavit by the defendant to the clerk within the 30-day time period set forth under F.S.. 318.14(4), the fine must be reduced to $96.00.

To be eligible for a dismissal on one of the charges listed above, you must provide documentation proving that your license was valid, your insurance policy was valid, or your car registration was current at the time you received your citation. Documentation must be provided within 30 days to the Clerk’s Office. You will be required to pay a $10.00 dismissal fee.

Where can I obtain a driving record history?

Printouts of a three-year driving record are available from the Clerk’s Office. The records are generated from the Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles database. The cost for a driving history printout is $14.25 for the first page of the record, plus $1.00 for each additional page. The records may be purchased at Central Cashiering at the Kim C. Hammond Justice Center, 1769 E. Moody Blvd, Building 1, Bunnell, FL 32110.

Who may I contact for more information about my traffic citation, school or court date?

You may contact Central Receipting, Traffic Division, of the Flagler County Clerk of Court for additional information. The telephone number for the Traffic Division is 386-313-4353. The address is Central Receipting, the Kim C. Hammond Justice Center, 1769 E. Moody Blvd, Bldg 1, Bunnell, FL 32110.

Are Traffic Forms available?

We have the following forms available: