Notice To Plaintiff(s) and Defendant(s)
ATTENDANCE: After the claim is filed, the Court will schedule a pre-trial conference. You may come with or without an attorney at the pretrial. Both sides are required to appear at the pretrial if the defendant has been served.
If you are representing a business, the AUTHORIZATION OF CORPORATE OFFICER form must be completed and filed in the case giving the representative authorization by the principal of the business entity per FLA.Sm.Clm.R.7.050(a)(2)
SETTLEMENT: The Plaintiff and Defendant are expected to make a sincere effort, with the assistance of the Court, to resolve this matter at the pretrial hearing. The Plaintiff should file a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with the Clerk and furnish the Defendant with a copy if the parties reached a settlement outside of court.
CONTINUANCES OR POSTPONEMENTS: If a party needs a continuance, they must file a Motion with the court. The motion needs to be filed in a timely fashion prior to the hearing date. It is the motioning party’s responsibility to provide the other party with a copy of the motion they are filing. Please note: The Clerk’s office cannot continue a hearing or change a date for you. It is at the Judge’s discretion if the motion for continuance will be granted.
CONFIDENTIALITY: Per Florida Rule of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.420, effective July 1, 2021, filers are solely responsible for ensuring any confidential information contained in court records filed with the Clerk is appropriately identified. The filer is required to file a NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION identifying the precise locations and confidentiality provision as outlined in the rule.
TRIAL: All Parties, witnesses and exhibits are expected to be available at the date and time of the trial scheduled by the court.
FAILURE TO PROSECUTE: Any case in which no action is taken for a period of six months is subject to dismissal.
ADDRESS/EMAIL: It is the responsibility of the party to ensure their address and email address are up to date and accurate with the court. Per Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.516, email addresses are required, and a DESIGNATION OF EMAIL ADDRESS must be completed. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS OR DESIGNATED EMAIL ADDRESS form can be used when the current address and or email address has changed.